Monday, September 27, 2010

You mean like you are going to get big muscles........

I have spent the better part of 15 years training myself and training others. My goal from the beginning was to promote health and well being. To be a teacher and a guide. Mostly because exercise helped me overcome the pain of neck surgery, rehab after a car accident, my body back after 3 kids and the fight to say, "Thyroid cancer, YOU HAVE NOTHING ON ME!!" So after all of this I guess I am still so shocked to hear the question "why do you want to look like that?" Well... because I can! 

Why is it more socially acceptable to go to the bar every weekend, eat fast food every night while being fat and lazy on the couch watching football?? More than half of the individuals my age  look 10 years older than they actually are. Could someone please tell me where the rules are that say women should get married, have a family and then never care about the way they look ever again?? Forget the bra burning feminist crap, shave your arm pits and be strong and sexy...Ooooo what a concept. 

The truth is being healthy is hard. The amount of discipline it takes makes me tired just thinking about it. But there it is, the big secret revealed. Wake up and smell the angioplasty!! You have to want it. You cant think about it, you cant take a pill to make it all go away! This isn't the Matrix where you get the choice of the red or the blue! Come on people.... childhood obesity is a NATIONAL SECURITY RISK!! To think, FAT could bring us down. Not nerve agents or the atomic bomb but fat, out of shape kids that wont be able to pass the fitness test to even get into the military. Im shocked and you should be to. 

So to answer the question of the hour yes, I am going to get big muscles. Thats my choice and I am happy with it. I am proud of it because I know the discipline it takes to do what I am doing. So to the haters, the ones that laugh and crack the jokes about muscles not being sexy on a woman, I ask you this, "How healthy are you???" I bring it to the gym every day!

Tip of the day:
Put your workout in your calendar like you would your hair appointment!

My workout today:

Leg press
w/u 2x16 @190lbs

Leg extension
2x10 @170lbs 

2x10 @135lbs
1x10 @200lbs
1x10 @225lbs

Leg extension/leg curl super set
3x to failure 

Freak blaster

3x30 @90lbs

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sorry....the cheerleaders are over there, this area is for the players!

Okay, so I don't look at my "assets"  or lack there of as rule breakers for playing the game. If you are already lost, let me be more blunt. Yes I have tits....well kinda anyway LOL. For the slower followers I'm saying I don't have big boobs but at least because of my DNA I do in fact have what men so affectionately call tits and thanks to these God given multi functional mounds nicely placed on top of my Pectoralis Major muscle I am some how disqualified for playing the game. Because I am a girl I am not aloud to build muscle? What? Here is the problem I have with that. Apparently my options are skinny with big boobs (this seems to be the more popular option with the men) or fat (less appealing option). Why cant I be in the middle? Beautiful sculpted muscles?? Hmmmm! Can anyone tell me why it is socially not acceptable for a woman to build muscle? Should I really be sentenced to a life of work, eat, sleep repeated over the course of a week, continuing until I die? Why is muscle on a man sexy yet not on a woman? This is straight BS! A good amount of people ask me...."why would you want to look like that?" My response..."look like what exactly?" secretly I'd like to think they are just pissed I'm so dedicated and focused. I get that it's not for everyone but you wouldn't walk up to a fat person and ask them the same question would you?! See my point? Now to be fair not everyone is a hater,  I do have a ton of people (both men and women) supporting my journey. To this group, thank you!! Your support is awesome and If I can inspire someone to be healthier then I have done my job! :) Im not pushing anyone to drink the koolaid (its just pre workout stuff anyway) LOL my drive is for my goal and my goal alone. Whatever your goal is I hope you forge ahead and leave the haters behind! As for me you can find me in the players section!

Tip of the day: this tip is for the soda drinkers....if you drink multiple sodas a day try substituting a water in place of one of your sodas a day. Gradually increase until water is the only thing you are drinking in your day :) this will help you lose weight and feel better!

My leg workout

Leg press
2x20 2plates (1 plate = 45lbs)
1x20 4plates
1x15 6plates
1x15 8plates
1x14 10plates

3x15 2plates (a$$ to the grass all reps!)

Leg extensions
Single leg and double leg super set
3x20 120lbs for both

Leg curls
Single/double super set
3x15 90lbs

Freak blasters
Doubles 2x15 to the floor and back....ouch
Singles 2x 10

Inner thigh
3x20 90lbs

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Go Hard or Go Home!

Week one of contest prep is done....only 17 more weeks to bulk followed by 18 weeks of cutting.  I am shooting for a 1 pound gain a week so that when I cut I can make weight. Going for the mid weight 125-140lbs...I should be around the 125lb mark when done. Here is what my meals right now look like....

Meal 1
4 egg whites
1 whole egg
6 oz steak
1/2 cup oats

Meal 2
10 oz steak
5 oz yam

Meal 3
10 oz Tilapia
1 cup cooked rice

Meal 4
10 oz Chicken
8 oz potato

Meal 5
1 can Tuna
5 oz yam

Meal 6
10 oz chicken
5 oz yam

2 Tbsp PB

Cal = 3488
Protein = 399.76 grams
Carbs = 240.29 grams
Fat = 95.51 grams

Did shoulders today....

warm up
seated shoulder 2x10x40lbs

Military smith press

DB press

Side lat

rear delt

Cable side lat


Getting it done thanks to the support of my trainer and chef!! Eric you are amazing. Thank you!