Monday, May 10, 2010

Ok, so it's been a while....but trust me I have not been out of the game. I have been hitting the gym and the job market getting it done and keeping it real. I do not let circumstance stand in my way of a goal. When I started this journey I was 19% body fat  and weighed 150lbs. For a 34 yr old women this is still in the excellent date I am 14% body fat and weigh 137lbs. I feel great, I look good and I have tones of energy. I eat 6 times a day so I am not starving me I eat and you have to if you want to gain muscle. A good combination of diet and exercise will do you a world of good.

Tip of the day....just because something says "DIET" does NOT mean it will help you lose weight. Diet soda is just as bad for you as regular soda.

Here are 2 workouts I have just done on 2 different days....enjoy :) d

Bi's and Tri's 
Cable curls 1x18 @ 25lbs warm up
1x18 @ 35lbs
2x18 @ 40lbs
1x25 @ 20lbs

Barbell curls
4x18 @ 35lbs

EZ bar preacher curls
3x18 @ 30lbs

Hammer curls
3x10 @ 15lbs

High cable curls
2x10 @ 30lbs
2x18 @ 20lbs

Tri push downs
1x18 @ 120lbs
3x18 @ 110lbs

Tri DB kick backs
3x18 @ 10lbs

bench dips
3x failure

45min cardio

Leg press 1x20 warm up @ 155lbs
2x9 super set narrow/wide @ 265lbs
2x18 @ 265lbs

Seated leg curls
1x18 @ 120lbs
2x18 @ 125lbs
1x18 @ 130lbs

lunges 2x10 @ 90lbs

Leg extensions
2x18 @ 95lbs
2x20 @ 85lbs

30 min cardio

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