Monday, March 28, 2011

State of Mind.....

It's a passion, it's a drive, it's determination like no other...... it's a STATE OF MIND!

This is it, 6 weeks left until show time. May 7th for those keeping track. When I started this journey, for me it was about showing people what being healthy and staying fit was really all about. Let face it... I am NOT a 20 something with perfect boobs and a god gifted flat tummy that has not had the pleasure of housing 3 small humans! Yeah lets be real here. I am proud to say I am 35 years old, I work a full time job, I have lived through thyroid cancer, live with celiac disease, and have given birth to 3 tiny humans! And just to be really clear... listen up because this next one always gets people.. I GAINED 60 PROUD LBS WITH ALL OF MY TINY HUMAN PREGNANCIES. Yes if you were wondering I was intending to yell that comment. Why? because I am tired of hearing day in and day out "well, I had kids... they did this to me" NO NO they didn't! Choices, State Of Mind!!!!! Take hold of your life.
Disclaimer: I am not perfect.... shocker I know ;) I have my days when I am tired, when I don't want to workout or even look at the stairmaster. When I certainly don't want to be strict with my diet. It takes discipline and focus and animal determination that is for sure. But it isn't like that ALL the time, after all I am human. As a mother of a beautiful daughter I want her to know that the women she sees on magazine covers don't always looks so "perfect"  There is an off season where you are not as ripped if you will. There are cycles of gaining and maintaining muscle mass and then dieting down to get rid of body fat. Now I'm not saying we get fat then skinny. We just don't always look as defined as what you see in photos or on a stage ALL the time.

I have my ups and downs and Easter candy is one of my downs LOL I crave it! Again......human! But for the next 6 weeks that is an indulgence that i can no longer enjoy. After my show I have a list of everything I will be eating :) For the next 6 weeks I will be strict with portions, carbs, proteins and what fats go into my body. It's a mind game every day. The biggest thing I hear is "oh you can have that" or "just one wont hurt you" well for this it will. I realize people that don't do this don't fully get it. People think I starve myself to look this way. Ummm NO I eat 6 meals a day. You can not maintain muscle and starve your body. I do cardio every day and I do a weight workout. I do it when I don't want to and I do it when I am tired and I do it to stay healthy. Because if I can do it so can you. No more excuses on why you cant and start saying you can!! If I can get on a stage you can get on a treadmill, pick up a weight or choose a healthier meal for your family. But it has to be your STATE OF MIND.  So ask yourself what that is...... I know my answer.

IC aka The R!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Inspiration for me comes in many different forms... it comes from the attitude, the drive, the motivation of self, and looking in the mirror and seeing the bad ass illustrations of the one and only Jerry Beck! Because I want to embody every part of the "FIT CHICK" tank I am wearing. Because that chick is unstoppable, determined and simply put... bad ass! is where you can find the brand that I am wearing in the above pictures. I can't say enough about Jerry's amazing illustrations and attitude on life. So if you haven't already gone there from my previous FB post you need to check it out now... if not to buy, at least for the experience of seeing some kick ass illustrations. 

Thanks Jerry Beck and I am happy to rock your gear in the gym and in life! 

The R ;)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Under the weight

Being under the weight might just be one of the best places on earth for me... being in California a close second. I look back at the last year and I think to myself "wow" how the hell did I make it out alive! Without going into detail lets just say I let go of a lot of anger, cried a lot, screamed some... well, a lot and then said fuck it! Yep pretty much just like that too. Fuck it!

Fast forward to today..... progress report time! I sit today at 162lbs and still fit in my size 4! Muscle weight is a beautiful thing. :) I'd like to maintain that till January and then I will start contest diet to drop body fat and really hit it hard for May. The support from my co-workers and friends has been amazing! Since you are long over due for a post I've got a couple of workouts and numbers for you! Enjoy!

Chest & Bi
Decline bench (2 warm up sets and 1 working set)
10-12 reps 65lbs
10-12 reps 95lbs
6-8 reps 115lbs

Incline DB press (1 warm up set and 1 working set)
10-12 reps 25lbs
6-8 reps 45lbs

Flat DB fly (1 warm up set and 1 working set)
10-12 reps 25lbs
6-8 reps 35lbs

Concentration curls (1 warm up set and 1 working set)
10-12 reps 20lbs
6-8 reps 30lbs

Straight bar curl (1 working set)
6-8 reps 50lbs

Shoulders and Tri's
Military DB press
10-12 reps 30lbs
8-10 reps 35lbs
6-8 reps 45lbs

Side lat raise
10-12 r 20lbs
8-10 r 27.5lbs

Low pulley delt raise
6-8 25lbs

Rev DB fly
10-12r 20lbs
8-10r 30lbs

10-12r 100lbs
10-12r 150lbs

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mind over Matter.....

Thank you Adam and Eve for eating the apple and you Pandora... didn't you have a lock on that box of yours?!? I mean really, seriously.... ugh!! I can imagine what it would be like to live in bliss, total ignorance to body image, bad carbs and whether or not the stone in my ring is real. Truthfully none of that matters to me now but it did! Thank you mom for pounding into my head the stupid little phase "what will people think?" See I have learned a lot in my journey to find who I really am. Partly because of my wonderful husband, and partly because I stopped worrying about what people would think!! Now this doesn't mean I went all rogue and gave a big middle finger to the world... it just means that I started to be happy being me. This translates to my workout as well. Ya see before I was worried about what I looked like while in the gym, were people looking at me, did they think I looked stupid, what if I didn't know how to do something.... oh the list goes on! I see many people like this. Afraid to walk into the gym because of fear of what people would think. People that cover themselves up or hide because they don't feel comfortable in their own skin. Once I was no longer worried about this my workouts and my intensity increase 100%. I am pushing myself harder than I ever have and it feels great! I am getting it done and so can you. Don't let someone tell you you can't and most importantly don't let anyone tell you you should be something or someone you are not. I say don't hide but change their minds and you might be surprised at how you feel.
In Good Health,

Mondays workout (DC training and FST-7 combined) DISCLAIMER: this program is for advanced weight lifters!!! We have affectionately renamed this training to WTFWIT!

Incline Smith Machine
8-5-3 @ 135lbs followed by a 1min stretch

Cable Cross Over
7x8 @  plate 3 (this is the number of plates on a cybex cco cant remember the weight...its weird on those)

Smith Machine Shoulder Press
8-5-3 @135lbs followed by a 1min stretch

Lat Raise machine
7x8 @50lbs

Tuesdays workout again DC with FST-7

Close Grip Bench
8-5-3 @ 95lbs 1min stretch

Overhead cable ext.
7x8 @ plate 7 (again not sure the's weird LOL)

Close grip pull downs
8-5-3 @ 100lbs 1min stretch

Cable pull over
7x8 @ plate 7

2 sets of dips

Monday, October 11, 2010

learning curve....

So for those of you that know my dad you could say that I was in fact born with some DNA to be physically fit..... I attended a fitness trade show a few years ago and during one of the seminars I heard the doctors talk about muscle fiber. What's the big deal about muscle fiber you ask?? Well let me tell you in a nut shell. You have fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers. More fast twitch, you get a sprinter. More slow, you get a marathon runner. What they were getting at was the greats in either case were born that way..... great! Well as far as the amount of specific type of muscle fiber they have. With that said, while God did in fact seem to give them a gift of greatness he didn't completely hand them the Gold in their sport. They had to develop what was given to them, work hard to maintain it, feed their vessel with the proper nutrients and be dedicated and driven toward their dream, their goal, their victory. Lets consider the "taboo" of my chosen sport. The misconception is that all body builders take steroids to look like they do. Most think it is the magic formula for growth. NO NO NO! While yes some my use them and there are the same amount that don't, it still takes a hell of a lot of time and dedication to look that way. The building blocks were given to them through DNA but it will never change the fact that whether they do or don't, those athletes are still very disciplined. My point... there is NO magic pill!! As a personal trainer I see this every day. People think that I am the magic pill, that the 2 or 3 hours a week they spend with me is going to be enough. Think of me as the DNA, your building block.... YOU have to do the real work, you have to want it, believe in yourself and go out and get it. Work hard for it, make the conscious choice to choose the right thing. Stay positive, start slow and remember no goal is a bad goal!
In Good Health,

Today was Shoulders and Bi's
Here is what I did

shoulder warm up exercises for the rotator 2 sets

DB shoulder press
3x8 @ 40lbs

Super set  Front Lat raises/Plate raises
3x8 @25lbs/35lbs

Side Lat raises
3x6 @ 15lbs

Seated DB curls
1x12 @ 20lbs
2x12 @ 30lbs

Spider curls
3x16 @ 20lbs

Preacher curls
1x4 @ 75lbs
2x8 @ 45lbs

Cable hammer curls
3x8 @ 25 lbs

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Getting it done.....

Disclaimer: In my last post I was in NO way making fun of anyone. My point was to show how aggrivated I am that people are actually disgusted that I am training to do a body building show. I don't get being disgusted for someone being healthy. Nor do I get being made fun of for it. I know it isn't for everyone and that's fine. I'm not pushing people to do what I'm doing. Yeah I hear the "oh are ya 200lbs yet?" or the "LOL because buldging muscles are sexy" comments. Keep them coming because that just pushes me all the more! Anyway enough of that. I am putting the haters behind me and continuing along my path.

Today I sit at 153lbs, 5'9 and 15% body fat and just incase you were wondering I am still a size 4-6 in my pants! Thats called MUSCLE growth (remember muscle weighs more than fat :)). My calories are still around 3200 a day so yes I am eating... every two hours! :) I drink at least 1 gallon of H2O a day and I'm hitting it hard in the gym and forcing myself to up my weights..... it's the only way to build those muscles :). I am really focusing on each part making sure that when I cut everything comes in nice and defined.

Todays workout was shoulders....

Military bar press
2x10 @ 95lbs
1x6 @  115lbs
1x6 @ 125lbs
1x10 @ 125lbs

Front lat  db raises super set plate raises followed by a drop set....(killer)
3x6 @ 25lbs/ 3x6 @ 35lbs
Drop set went down by 5lbs to the end :)

Side lat raises super set bent side lat raises again followed by a drop set to end.... (equally killer)
3x6 @ 20lbs/ 3x6 @ 25lbs

Shrugs Front/back
3x14/14 @ 75lbs

we ended with a ton of calfs on the bench.... it was around 150 reps with 125lbs on the bench :)

Just remember.... don't expect to walk into the gym and be able to lift the heaviest weight you can find... start with a light weight! If it is really easy you can continue to add in 5lb increments until you find a good weight to start with. Most places should have someone there you can ask for help if you are unsure! Ask them! That is what they are there for and nobody will think less of you for asking for help! :) Got to start somewhere right?

In Good Health

Monday, September 27, 2010

You mean like you are going to get big muscles........

I have spent the better part of 15 years training myself and training others. My goal from the beginning was to promote health and well being. To be a teacher and a guide. Mostly because exercise helped me overcome the pain of neck surgery, rehab after a car accident, my body back after 3 kids and the fight to say, "Thyroid cancer, YOU HAVE NOTHING ON ME!!" So after all of this I guess I am still so shocked to hear the question "why do you want to look like that?" Well... because I can! 

Why is it more socially acceptable to go to the bar every weekend, eat fast food every night while being fat and lazy on the couch watching football?? More than half of the individuals my age  look 10 years older than they actually are. Could someone please tell me where the rules are that say women should get married, have a family and then never care about the way they look ever again?? Forget the bra burning feminist crap, shave your arm pits and be strong and sexy...Ooooo what a concept. 

The truth is being healthy is hard. The amount of discipline it takes makes me tired just thinking about it. But there it is, the big secret revealed. Wake up and smell the angioplasty!! You have to want it. You cant think about it, you cant take a pill to make it all go away! This isn't the Matrix where you get the choice of the red or the blue! Come on people.... childhood obesity is a NATIONAL SECURITY RISK!! To think, FAT could bring us down. Not nerve agents or the atomic bomb but fat, out of shape kids that wont be able to pass the fitness test to even get into the military. Im shocked and you should be to. 

So to answer the question of the hour yes, I am going to get big muscles. Thats my choice and I am happy with it. I am proud of it because I know the discipline it takes to do what I am doing. So to the haters, the ones that laugh and crack the jokes about muscles not being sexy on a woman, I ask you this, "How healthy are you???" I bring it to the gym every day!

Tip of the day:
Put your workout in your calendar like you would your hair appointment!

My workout today:

Leg press
w/u 2x16 @190lbs

Leg extension
2x10 @170lbs 

2x10 @135lbs
1x10 @200lbs
1x10 @225lbs

Leg extension/leg curl super set
3x to failure 

Freak blaster

3x30 @90lbs