Monday, March 28, 2011

State of Mind.....

It's a passion, it's a drive, it's determination like no other...... it's a STATE OF MIND!

This is it, 6 weeks left until show time. May 7th for those keeping track. When I started this journey, for me it was about showing people what being healthy and staying fit was really all about. Let face it... I am NOT a 20 something with perfect boobs and a god gifted flat tummy that has not had the pleasure of housing 3 small humans! Yeah lets be real here. I am proud to say I am 35 years old, I work a full time job, I have lived through thyroid cancer, live with celiac disease, and have given birth to 3 tiny humans! And just to be really clear... listen up because this next one always gets people.. I GAINED 60 PROUD LBS WITH ALL OF MY TINY HUMAN PREGNANCIES. Yes if you were wondering I was intending to yell that comment. Why? because I am tired of hearing day in and day out "well, I had kids... they did this to me" NO NO they didn't! Choices, State Of Mind!!!!! Take hold of your life.
Disclaimer: I am not perfect.... shocker I know ;) I have my days when I am tired, when I don't want to workout or even look at the stairmaster. When I certainly don't want to be strict with my diet. It takes discipline and focus and animal determination that is for sure. But it isn't like that ALL the time, after all I am human. As a mother of a beautiful daughter I want her to know that the women she sees on magazine covers don't always looks so "perfect"  There is an off season where you are not as ripped if you will. There are cycles of gaining and maintaining muscle mass and then dieting down to get rid of body fat. Now I'm not saying we get fat then skinny. We just don't always look as defined as what you see in photos or on a stage ALL the time.

I have my ups and downs and Easter candy is one of my downs LOL I crave it! Again......human! But for the next 6 weeks that is an indulgence that i can no longer enjoy. After my show I have a list of everything I will be eating :) For the next 6 weeks I will be strict with portions, carbs, proteins and what fats go into my body. It's a mind game every day. The biggest thing I hear is "oh you can have that" or "just one wont hurt you" well for this it will. I realize people that don't do this don't fully get it. People think I starve myself to look this way. Ummm NO I eat 6 meals a day. You can not maintain muscle and starve your body. I do cardio every day and I do a weight workout. I do it when I don't want to and I do it when I am tired and I do it to stay healthy. Because if I can do it so can you. No more excuses on why you cant and start saying you can!! If I can get on a stage you can get on a treadmill, pick up a weight or choose a healthier meal for your family. But it has to be your STATE OF MIND.  So ask yourself what that is...... I know my answer.

IC aka The R!


  1. Love it R.. Keep up the great work.. I hope to be like you when I grow up.. Love you xoxo
