Saturday, April 3, 2010

Being sick, losing weight and eating!

I am human and I do get sick. Shocker I know! LOL But sick I am and I had a very light day in the gym yesterday and that is OK.  I am still working towards a goal which is being on a stage having muscle definition judged. I work hard and am very focused but that doesn't mean that I too don't have bad days in the gym. It happens to the best of us. So don't beat yourself up if you get sick or have a bad workout. With that said, it is hard work for anyone trying to drop body fat so you want to make sure you don't get comfortable saying..."well I'm tired so I'm going to skip today"! I am tired every day and if I used that excuse I'd never go to the gym. Yes, sometimes I don't want to eat but that is the worst thing for my body to skip a meal.  You have to EAT and you have to WORKOUT! You are not going to lose weight and body fat by starving yourself or by buying over marketed CRAP that tells you to drink 3 shakes a day and only eat one meal! Correction, you will lose weight that way because you are not giving your body anything healthy and you are STARVING yourself (which is bad bad bad) and you will gain EVERYTHING back when you stop!! So, with this blog my goal is that you walk away with the knowledge that eating 5 GOOD small meals a day along with your workouts will help you lose weight the right way! On a side note losing weight does not always mean that the scale goes down because as you gain muscle it weighs more than fat. I tell my clients to go off of how their clothes fit.

Rule #1 for workouts: Put your workout in your calendar like you do your hair appointment or doctors appointment. You don't miss those and if you treat it like that you wont miss your workout either.

Rule #1 for eating: Plan all 5 of your meals the night before. I put mine in 5 separate take along containers. :) that way no matter where I am I have my meal ready to go!

Because I am sick and not feeling the best my workout looked like this yesterday....but remember I still got something in. (Rule of thumb anything from the chest up sickness wise it's ok to workout just go a little light,  anything from the stomach down sickness wise skip the workout)

Chest day:

Machine Press
2x20 warm up sets 55lbs

DB incline
1x20 @ 25lbs
1x15 @ 25lbs
1x20 @ 20lbs
1x15 @ 15lbs

Pec flys
3x20 @ 50lbs

and that was it.

Please let me know if you have any questions!!

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