Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A little thing I like to call LIFE.

Sorry to keep you all at the edge of your chair waiting with child like anticipation for a new post......well, in my head that's how it is anyway. Let's see, where to start? As with any journey you alway come to a bump in the road called LIFE. Well that bump for me turned out to be somewhat of an earthquake that swallowed  the road I was on. For two weeks I have been nursing a shoulder injury that has kept me from doing any type of upper body weights. It has been advised by my very good friend, member of my adopted family and very own Physical Therapist (He has mad skills!) that I see an Ortho. UGH I like to live in a little land I call DENIAL!! So to keep up with something I have been hitting the cardio and busting major abs and leg workouts. Earthquake number two came in the form of a "pink slip" or as they called it being "laid off due to the economy. On a positive note I'll have all the time in the world to workout and I hear Urban Active has great stuff. Thinking of the two a day workout thing like my friend Angie (she is a power lifter also with mad skills). Oh the possibilities are endless!

So today I put the big girl pants on and I move forward. God has shoved me out of the nest and is screaming FLY!! So fly I will the gym! 

I guess my point is, life happens. Not everything goes as plans all the time. It is ok if you don't get the workout in right when you wanted or that your kid is sick or you got called to a meeting...etc. What matters is that you "adapt and overcome". Baby steps are the right steps to a healthy you. But find a way to get it done. You will feel better in the end. Last night I did my pilates mat work to the sounds of American Idol :)  remember you don't "need" a gym to be healthy. It can be done at home! 

In Good Health!


  1. Sorry about the job and the shoulder. Hope things get better soon. You have an amazing attitude about it all it is inspiring.

  2. Oh Rebecca, I am so sorry to hear about the job. :( Prayers and hugs!
